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Yakushi 2022 - 2nd to 4th Sep 2022 - Near Silverstone

Kenzie (Mary Poppins)

Here for life
Premium Member
North West
E51 Owner
Reaction score
First Name
North West
Let's make it bigger and better who's in

For all event details please visit https://yakushi-show.co.uk

The club is only collecting money for people attending for the full weekend. If you are wanting to attend on the Saturday only, then you must purchase the tickets yourself. Please let us know you are attending though so that we can ensure there is a space for you on the stand.


All PayPal payments must be made as FRIENDS & FAMILY otherwise PayPal take a cut and then we won't have enough to cover your tickets. You will then be liable to send a second payment to cover the difference (which will include whatever PayPal have taken off us). If you do this by accident, we can refund the payment but PayPal still charge us 20p so you'd need to include that in your next payment.

All deposits are non-refundable as they are used to buy the club plots. However, under certain circumstances a refund will be offered. Please speak to myself directly if you are unable to attend. Alternatively, you can sell your plot to another member, just ensure that we are updated so that we know who to have on the list and who owes what money.

Family Tents / Awnings are fine to bring in limited numbers. The space we have is limited. Please specify, along with the number of adults/children you will be bringing, what your sleeping arrangements will be. We can then ensure adequate space is left for those with larger tents and awnings. There are quite a few people coming who sleep in their Elgrand, so we save space for those people, but as you can imagine, if everyone turned up with a huge tent it's going to cause concerns.

On the day of the event, do NOT set up your tent or awning without speaking to a member of the team who are in attendance. If you arrive before anyone else, then please wait before you set up. As above, we'll have designed a plan to fit everyone in, so it's important you follow guidance. If you ignore this and set up before being told where to go, you may be asked to pack up and move if the location you picked is inappropriate for the club stand.

Our resident chef - @Cliff Goodwin will cater for everyone for food. And when we say everyone, we mean everyone. Every year he ends up bringing more than we can eat (and we can eat) and has to either waste or give food away. If you have any specific dietary needs please bring your own food or speak to Cliff directly to see if he can accommodate. It's advised that if you want to bring food, you bring snacks and stuff to eat between meals, or you can use the food vendors on site.

The menu usually consists of Dirty Burgers (loaded with chilli), Spicy Sausage, pulled pork, chicken tikka, CFC (Cliff Fried Chicken), Chips and an assortment of others.
For breakfast, bacon, sausage, eggs, beans, all sorts that basically end up in a foot long baguette and will see you full until tea time.

Donations to the chef are welcome but not required.

@Gippa_elgrand will be bringing his music set up, so we will have entertainment for both evenings and throughout the days. Fingers crossed @LLGrandJ will also be in attendance to spin some decks for us.

The club, as always, will provide communal supplies such as a crates of soft drink, bottles of water, condiments, beer, cider, snacks. Some members (usually those with Costco or Macro cards) bring other supplies in bulk too (such as soft drinks). Feel free to bring something to add to the pile, but it's not necessary or required.

All you will really need to bring with you is your tickets, some money for merch stalls, CAMPING CHAIRS, and whatever you need to sleep in. A generator will be available to provide power for phone chargers etc, but spaces to charge devices will be limited and we'll need to share. If you have your own means of charging devices, please bring those just in case.

If you have any specific questions or concerns about the event that you would like to discuss, please message @Karl or tag a team member in the comments of this thread.



Car plus driver 36.00 + 2.81
Adult passenger 36.00 + 2.81
Children under 16 10.00 + 0.78

Adult 15.00 + 1.17

We'll do a collective group buy on tickets so we know what size plot we need to book.

To be on the club stand with us,
Please send a non refundable deposit of £20 via PayPal as a friend to team@elgrandoc.uk
Please state your forum user name and yakushi show in the message.

And let me know on here how many will be coming with .

1 @Kenzie (Mary Poppins) - 2 Adults 4 Kids - Large Tent - PAID IN FULL
2 @Karlos - 1 Adult - Sleep in car - PAID IN FULL
3 @Michael6457 - 1 Adult - Awning - PAID IN FULL
4 @Gippa_elgrand 1 Adult - Sleep in car - PAID IN FULL
5 @stu-art - 1 Adult - Sleep in car - PAID IN FULL
6 @KevT - 2 Adults - PAID IN FULL
7 @Co88ers - 1 Adult 1 Kid - Large Tent - PAID IN FULL
8 @Dai-San - 1 Adult - Sleep in car - PAID IN FULL
9 @Winchester - 1 Adult 2 kids - Small Tent - PAID IN FULL
10 @Sammyhandro - 2 Adults 1 Kid - PAID IN FULL
11 @Cliff Goodwin - 2 Adults - Sleep in car - PAID IN FULL
12 @Dave Marshall - 1 Adult - PAID IN FULL
13 @Happy Eddie - PAID IN FULL
14 @Karl & @Pippa - 2 Adults - Sleep in car - PAID IN FULL
15 @Motto1 - 2 Adults - Awning - PAID IN FULL
16 @Madfish & Amanda - 2 Adults - Sleep in car - PAID IN FULL
17 @Snaffles79 - 2 Adults 2 Kids - Sleep in car - PAID IN FULL
18 @Steveg - 2 Adults - Sleep in Car - PAID IN FULL
19 @chris56 - 1 Adult - Sleep In Car - PAID IN FULL
20 @mikkb - 1 Adult - Sleep in car - PAID IN FULL
21 @Purple People Eater - 1 Adult - Sleep in car - PAID IN FULL
22 @mikeb4x4 - 2 Adults - Sleep in car - PAID IN FULL
23 @ALLUN ROBINS - 1 Adult - Sleep in car - PAID IN FULL
24 @BMR - 1 Adult - Sleep in car - PAID IN FULL
25 @TeamDefiantUK - 1 Adult - PAID IN FULL
26 @Revo - 2 Adults - Sleep In Car - PAID IN FULL
27 @sebamax2 - 2 Adults - Sleep in car - PAID IN FULL
28 @sebamax2 - 1 Adult - Sleep in car - PAID IN FULL
29 @Manoerwar - 1 Adult - Sleep in Car - PAID IN FULL
30 @big beard - 1 Adult - Sleep in car - PAID IN FULL
Last edited by a moderator:
Your trailer will still be airborne 😂
Let's make it bigger and better who's in

Isn't showing events for 2022 mate, or am I looking in the wrong place?
I will be there let's see who gets there first
Think I can make this one🤞
For the uninitiated, what what is there at the show other than exhibits of glorious Jap engineering?
With two kids under six, if I'm going to decamp for a few days, going to need things on site or in the vicinity to do, as they won't be entirely on board with days drooling over cars😂
For the uninitiated, what what is there at the show other than exhibits of glorious Jap engineering?
With two kids under six, if I'm going to decamp for a few days, going to need things on site or in the vicinity to do, as they won't be entirely on board with days drooling over cars😂
For yourself and anybody else with kids
I will have
My 4 kids
A multitude of next guns
55inch tv
Ps4 4 controls and vr 75 games+
Broadband (yes Broadband free to use WiFi for upto 63 devices at a time)
Colors and books
Above is a quick list just to name a few
For yourself and anybody else with kids
I will have
My 4 kids
A multitude of next guns
55inch tv
Ps4 4 controls and vr 75 games+
Broadband (yes Broadband free to use WiFi for upto 63 devices at a time)
Colors and books
Above is a quick list just to name a few
You bringing all the kids this year :eek: