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The Boss
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North East
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North East
If you post a technical question in a NON technical area, there will now be warning points put on your user account.
Once you hit 3 points, your account will be deleted.
You will receive a first and second warning regarding the status of your account, there will be no third warning.
At this point you will have to re-register and start again.

This applies to EVERYONE whether they are new members, old members with more than 10 posts or Premium Members.




I am sick to death of spending 2-3 hours a day scrolling through and moving posts to the correct place. Please help to make my life, and the lives of the whole administration team, easier by following the rules.

The reason we made access changes earlier this year was to ensure that ElgrandOC has a secure and solid future, and it is working.

If you post a technical question in the Newbies section, or in the General Chat... then ANYONE AROUND THE WORLD can benefit from the answers given. Which negates the WHOLE POINT of putting the rules in place.
The technical section is locked to anyone who has NOT made 10 posts or paid for premium members.
All members who have made 10 posts or paid for membership are CONTRIBUTING TO THE CLUB. These people have access to the whole forum for their own benefit. You give a little, you get a LOT in return. But you MUST GIVE A LITTLE first.

If you have unlocked access to the whole forum, please use it correctly. Ensure you are putting posts in the correct place BEFORE you post them... if you are still unsure as to where to post a topic, please ask one of the staff members for assistance.

I have a life outside of the club. If I choose to spend my spare time browsing the club, I want to be doing it to get involved with conversation, help answer questions, and occasionally do some "admin" work to keep things ticking over... but at the moment, I cannot be on here for more than 2 minutes without finding posts in the wrong place.

Please respect the rules.
oops:oops: sorry sir will try better next time :worried: probably me thinking in general rather than specific :confused:
I can see there being much discussion about what is TECHNICAL and what is not, so good luck with policing this rule.

For instance, someone just raised a post about TIPTRONIC in that there's always starts in 4th. The post is in the General Technical but to me that's just a usability question, not technical.

Is there a risk that the technical areas of the forum are going to be swamped with non technical stuff in an effort to avoid the '3 falls and a knockout' I wonder?
I would hope that does not dilute the quality of the information in the technical area... but the general chat section and "newbie" section is currently getting too much focus on the technical side.
There really isn't much point in having the 10 post rule to keep the technical section from being abused, if that information is posted all over the forum.
I’m with @AlanM , what is a technical question or just loosely talking about something, I understand rules and I understand sections but they over lap a lot , someone like me , could easily put into wrong section , like I’ve done in past wanting chat about a car I’ve seen on flee bay , listed in in chat but was moved to e bay , I’ve noticed a lot of stupid questions lately prob just to get 10 count , but if I make a mistake it’s genuine mistake I don’t deliberate list in wrong section , but if I do it 3 times fine I’m out
I do see AlanM's point.. and would add that threads progress. Going with something along the lines of Alan's example - In the general section someone might have mentioned gearknobs and how when they push theirs to the left it reads 4 on the dash. If someone else wants to know if that is how it should work (maybe because theirs works differently) do they have to start a new thread in technical section, link to the original gearknob thread in general section (and/or quote the username of the OP of the original thread) and hope others who were talking gearknobs on the original thread notice and reply. I recently had to use the red shift lock button.. general usage but if asked for an explanation I'd have to talk about the flat battery and maybe about why I had a flat battery so could go from general to tech very quickly.
Anyways ... Not a biggy and no flak intended lol. I understand the idea behind the rules and will ensure I don't even get close to posting any tech questions or replies in the general section (which I've been guilty of in the past).
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If people post things in the wrong sections, that happens.
If the topic is a grey area, and then deemed technical, that happens.

In the above instances, nothing will be done.

If someone clearly goes into the "General Chat" and put's a post up saying "I've got an engine problem"... they will be moved and issued with a warning.

You should all know by now that I am not here to fuck anyone or create problems, but there are people who make mistakes, and then there are people who don't give a shit about the hard work and time that goes in behind the scenes.

Besides, if there was no gripe from people regarding the 10 post rule, we wouldn't be having this conversation...

None of you will have seen, but since all the changes have been put in place, there are rules to read and accept, there are alerts at the top of the screen which state what you need to do, new members get a welcome PM that shows them where to post and what to do, I spent an hour last week just making a guide to show people how to browse and post on the forum.

I have done EVERYTHING that I can possibly think of... all I ask is that people are sensible and at least TRY to put things in the right place.
Has this issue got worse since the '10 post rule' I'm wondering? A tricky won for sure 😎
Makes a lot of sense @Karl
Time consuming for you as well as for those people genuinely looking for the right info in the right place...
I don't see why ten posts should make a difference most clubs do that, and im probably guilty of overlapping from one to the other with queries that could of been worded as a question or viseversa I can see where karl is coming from he dosnt want to spend his evening sorting things out so I at least will try and word things different ill probably still get things wrong :rolleyes:
I'll make sure I'm more careful when I start a thread. But when I'm answering I don't even look what section the question is in. I....

Click "alerts" for any updates to threads I've taken part in.
Click "new posts" to flick through the latest posts & answer if I can.
Has this issue got worse since the '10 post rule' I'm wondering? A tricky won for sure 😎
The same thought had occurred but I thought I'd stuck my oar in maybe a bit too much already lol.
I think most are coming from newbies.
Maybe a note on the registration page saying "instant ban if you ask a technical question in the none technical area.
Also members could help by not answering them back. ( not having a dig at anyone) just my observations.
I'll make sure I'm more careful when I start a thread. But when I'm answering I don't even look what section the question is in. I....

Click "alerts" for any updates to threads I've taken part in.
Click "new posts" to flick through the latest posts & answer if I can.

Yeah that's what I meant about the way I use the forum @dognero . I may be guilty of it but I don't check what part of the forum it's in.

With newbies it's tough. You want to help so they know what a great forum it is & hopefully come back & contribute :)
Could the warnings be like driving licence points and we can have them removed after say 12 months as starting from scratch again would be a lot of hassle :)
I'm with you on both your posts @Phil in that I use the forum by looking at alerts and new posts first and until reading this thread, I don't think I've ever looked/noticed what section it's in and like you, I just reply if I can.
I may be guilty of it but I don't check what part of the forum it's in.

With newbies it's tough. You want to help so they know what a great forum it is & hopefully come back & contribute :)

I've never checked what section I'm replying on before either, but must admit that (I think recently) I replied with something techy in the general section, then realised it was in the general section, but didn't delete what I'd written or invite who I was replying to to take it to the tech section.

Agreed with Phil here on newbies too.
It's not up to you guys to spot what section of the forum a thread is in. It's the admin team's job to keep things in check.
I just want people to be aware that I've taken a lot of time to set the forum up into sections to help people find what they're looking for.

You wouldn't go looking in the newbies section for advice on a problem, but a Google search will take a non member there for them to get the answer.

The points will only be valid for 1 month. So you'd need three strikes within 4 weeks pretty much to have your account deleted... And I'm sure with the warnings in place, no one will actually end up having their account deleted.

This initiative is more of a deterrent than anything else and will most likely never have to be used.
I'm afraid i'm guilty of login in and going to the what's new link first at times -----thing is it takes you straight to the conversation taking place and you don't always realise which section it is in so can answer a question and brake the rules without knowing
I understand the hard work that's going on and can understand ,this really is a tricky one for some