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Looking for those who would be interested in the Totally Japanese Show as a Club Event. Its a long way off (July 2017) but having chatted with the organiser, he is keen to expand the event to include Club Stands and include Club Camping for those that have to travel further and want to make it worthwhile.

Could be a great start or finish to a week's holiday in the West Country.

The show attracts a lot of modified Jap Cars and Bikes and had a great attendence in the first year.

I think this would be a great idea for our Southern members...
I really hope some of the southern guys sign up for this... would be a great way to get a lot of people together
I'd like to try and get to this one Steve. Just need to check the diary otherwise known as SWMBO.
A little info the Short Oval circuit is used by Stock Car Racing but is used during the show by Drifting Cars doing displays. The area used for the static show is also concrete - with a little loose gravel. Camping would be on grass but would need finalising. If not available I can check locally for options - I have a lot of connections in the Rugby world and many clubs devote their pitches during the summer for a cost effective option.
I would go to this. Not far from south wales. I would give going anywhere in the UK a go. I had such a fun time at Newark with all you folks.
Guys - if you are showing an interest, please put this in your diaries so that you don't forget. These things are hard to organise when people say they want to go and then drop off the radar.
If you want to go and are going to make a conscious effort to go, please let @Barney59 know and he can add you to the list. If you are just curious and thinking about going, do not ask to go on the list else he will be chasing you and if you are not around to answer, it causes unnecessary stress. Thanks.
Admin, please close this thread and I'll start a new ones for the event/event planning.
We have strong interest so looks to be a goer.
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