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Question about usefulness of middle second row seat


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Hi. After 1 day of Elgrand ownership (8 seater), my reaction is: "I love my Elgrand, but middle second row seat is so annoying"

Unless you really need to move 8 people, I cannot see the point of that middle second row seat. Yes, it can turn into kind-of table or arm rest, but ultimately it seems to get in a way, makes it hard to turn the seats around and restricts access to rear seats

I am considering to remove the middle second row seat, but before I do anything, I want to make sure I am not missing something. So, I am wondering what you think about it. Is the middle second row seat useful? Will I miss it if I remove it? Thank you
Arr the little one.
I am sure someone on here has removed it.
This might help
I concur absolutely. The middle seat isn't really a seat at all. I have 4 children all in car seats and my "8 seater" is really a 6. It's very difficult for anybody to sit in the middle middle seat, and it's impossible to seat 3 at the back. It was easier to transport 7 in our old Renault Scenic than it is in the Elgrand. Having said that, once you take out the middle seat, that's it, you've made sure you can never get another passenger (and they have to be quite svelte) in the middle ever again.

If it was easier to remove, I would definitely do it, and store it in the back just in case.
I concur absolutely. The middle seat isn't really a seat at all. I have 4 children all in car seats and my "8 seater" is really a 6. It's very difficult for anybody to sit in the middle middle seat, and it's impossible to seat 3 at the back. It was easier to transport 7 in our old Renault Scenic than it is in the Elgrand. Having said that, once you take out the middle seat, that's it, you've made sure you can never get another passenger (and they have to be quite svelte) in the middle ever again.

If it was easier to remove, I would definitely do it, and store it in the back just in case.
Thank you. I can't see us needing 8 seats and I would not trust that middle seat anyway for any prolonged journey. Once it's out, it's never going back. I hope there is a guide out there on how to remove it
Hi. After 1 day of Elgrand ownership (8 seater), my reaction is: "I love my Elgrand, but middle second row seat is so annoying"

Unless you really need to move 8 people, I cannot see the point of that middle second row seat. Yes, it can turn into kind-of table or arm rest, but ultimately it seems to get in a way, makes it hard to turn the seats around and restricts access to rear seats

I am considering to remove the middle second row seat, but before I do anything, I want to make sure I am not missing something. So, I am wondering what you think about it. Is the middle second row seat useful? Will I miss it if I remove it? Thank you
I’ve considered taking ours out as we only have 2 kids, BUT, and it’s a big BUT as it acts as a divider between my 2 when used as an arm rest/ drinks holder and stops them from being annoying to each other.

So it has stayed!
We have rolled ours forward so it sits between the front seats, & use it for "junk"storage...
I am surprised about that. From what I can see, ours cannot go forward that far
Is the middle second row seat useful? Will I miss it if I remove it?
It's got some storage in the base of it, so I'm planning to see if I can stuff drinks and ice in there for trips during the summer.

The little one loves it to lounge against it, uses the cupholders on it etc and gave me the Stare of Death when I asked if I should remove it. She travels facing backwards on the second row seat and essentially builds herself a cosy little nest.

There's only 3 of us so the space is takes up isn't as precious as for you lot.
The centre middle seat is now out. Was quite a straightforward process. I left the runners in (for now) and covered them with thick rug, to prevent toe stubbing. I am sure I can put seat back with ease if needs to be

So far, everyone seems to like it that way, car feels much more spacious
I am surprised about that. From what I can see, ours cannot go forward that far
We have rolled ours forward so it sits between the front seats, & use it for "junk"storage...
Rolled it as far as it will go!, then opened it out...
Sorry for confusion...🙃
The centre middle seat is now out. Was quite a straightforward process. I left the runners in (for now) and covered them with thick rug, to prevent toe stubbing. I am sure I can put seat back with ease if needs to be

So far, everyone seems to like it that way, car feels much more spacious
straightforward process??? I've been working on it all afternoon, and can't even get the lower facia off to access the bolts that are connecting it to the floor runners... any clues you can pass on as to how to remove the facia? Ive popped out the four plastic clips, but the seat adjustment levers that pass through holes in the facia are too big to pass through those holes, so i cant see any way to get to the bolts without breaking the facia. i couldnt find anything on youtube either, just a short (and useful) clip describing how to remove the main seats in that middle row. Help!