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New for 2019 - EOC Show & Shine Awards


The Boss
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North East
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North East
Guys, in an attempt to add a little more fun to the shows and events that EOC attend throughout the year, we are now doing our own inter-club show and shine awards.

This is not relevant for regional meets, and only applies to club stands booked at shows and events.

The premise is that the event organiser will arrange to have 3 trophies made up for 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize. Then on the day, someone unbias will judge the cars on the stand and award the trophies to the respective owners.

It's just a bit of fun, and will hopefully just give a little something back to those who attend. Judging will not be based on "who's spent the most money" or "who's got the most mods". It's just down to who's gone the extra mile to make sure their car is clean and tidy.

So if you are on the list for a show this year and you want to be in with a chance of getting a little trophy, hoover and wash your car before you come along ;)

Hoping this is taken as a bit of fun and helps encourage people to get involved in the show spirit :)
Guys, in an attempt to add a little more fun to the shows and events that EOC attend throughout the year, we are now doing our own inter-club show and shine awards.

This is not relevant for regional meets, and only applies to club stands booked at shows and events.

The premise is that the event organiser will arrange to have 3 trophies made up for 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize. Then on the day, someone unbias will judge the cars on the stand and award the trophies to the respective owners.

It's just a bit of fun, and will hopefully just give a little something back to those who attend. Judging will not be based on "who's spent the most money" or "who's got the most mods". It's just down to who's gone the extra mile to make sure their car is clean and tidy.

So if you are on the list for a show this year and you want to be in with a chance of getting a little trophy, hoover and wash your car before you come along ;)

Hoping this is taken as a bit of fun and helps encourage people to get involved in the show spirit :)
show and shine really?

starting to sound like our elitest friends lol (completely joking and no offense intended btw)
show and shine really?

starting to sound like our elitest friends lol (completely joking and no offense intended btw)

Okay, so not to be matte-ist (getting really PC now), we'll call it the "show and clean" :joy:
Dose every one attending get a vote?

That's an interesting idea, rather than having a judge, each person nominates a winner... 🤔

We'll discuss on Saturday at Jap Show as the awards will be given on Sunday :)
Dose every one attending get a vote?
I have seen this done at small classic car shows. It’s a system that works as in the classic car world judges local shows can sometimes be biased to the cars / manufacturers the like. (Even to the point of a class winning car having a damaged wing and headlight)
I have seen this done at small classic car shows. It’s a system that works as in the classic car world judges local shows can sometimes be biased to the cars / manufacturers the like. (Even to the point of a class winning car having a damaged wing and headlight)
Sounds like a good idea

means its democratic....

Maybe we need to have system for people to opt in or out of it too?

I know some people don't like that sort of thing...
Sounds like a good idea

means its democratic....

Maybe we need to have system for people to opt in or out of it too?

I know some people don't like that sort of thing...

Who doesn't want to win a trophy and cash prize?
show and shine really?

starting to sound like our elitest friends lol (completely joking and no offense intended btw)
It's good for those that are into it for showing their car (I'm definitely not one of them) as long as it's a bit of fun. Still haven't hoovered my jalopy yet let alone washed it and polishing hahahaha
It's good for those that are into it for showing their car (I'm definitely not one of them) as long as it's a bit of fun. Still haven't hoovered my jalopy yet let alone washed it and polishing hahahaha

wash...Friday if im lucky

vac...same...2nd in 2 years if it happens

Polish....not an option lol
Guys, in an attempt to add a little more fun to the shows and events that EOC attend throughout the year, we are now doing our own inter-club show and shine awards.

This is not relevant for regional meets, and only applies to club stands booked at shows and events.

The premise is that the event organiser will arrange to have 3 trophies made up for 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize. Then on the day, someone unbias will judge the cars on the stand and award the trophies to the respective owners.

It's just a bit of fun, and will hopefully just give a little something back to those who attend. Judging will not be based on "who's spent the most money" or "who's got the most mods". It's just down to who's gone the extra mile to make sure their car is clean and tidy.

So if you are on the list for a show this year and you want to be in with a chance of getting a little trophy, hoover and wash your car before you come along ;)

Hoping this is taken as a bit of fun and helps encourage people to get involved in the show spirit :)
The guys loved it at JDM Combe
A friend of mine runs a classic car club and when they're at an event with a stand they have voting slips that members of the public can fill in with the reg of their favourite vehicle. They then count the slips and announce winners bla de bla.
A friend of mine runs a classic car club and when they're at an event with a stand they have voting slips that members of the public can fill in with the reg of their favourite vehicle. They then count the slips and announce winners bla de bla.
Yeah we trailed that at Jap Show. Worked pretty well 👍
Even though someone tried to vote for there car several times 😂😂😂
A friend of mine runs a classic car club and when they're at an event with a stand they have voting slips that members of the public can fill in with the reg of their favourite vehicle. They then count the slips and announce winners bla de bla.
That's the way it happened at Jap show
Yeah we trailed that at Jap Show. Worked pretty well 👍
Even though someone tried to vote for there car several times 😂😂😂
Lol, don't let the owners vote!🤯😁