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Jap Fest 2, Rockingham, 26th June 2016


The Boss
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North East
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North East
Not long after Jap Fest @ Silverstone, you have Jap Fest 2 @ Rockingham. I believe this show is more aimed at track slags than an actual show, but from what I've heard, it's still a great show to get to!

Ticket Info can be found here. You can either go for the weekend including camping, or just the day on the Sunday. If you add your name to the list, please state which you would like to do.

If there is enough interest for us to get a stand together for this event, tickets will be organised through the club. In this case, please add £0.50 to the total of your chosen ticket (whether weekend or just for the day) to cover admin fees for booking etc). Money will be sent to the organiser (to be determined) rather than you buying through the website.

If there is not enough interest and there is no club stand, you will be responsible for booking your own tickets, in which case you will have to pay the £3 booking fee each. Up to you really.


Do NOT add your name to the list if you have no intention of being there. These early lists are being set up so that we can decide whether or not to have a club stand at the event. If there is enough interest (10 people or more) then we will arrange a stand. Any less than that and anyone who wants to go can feel free to go together, but they will have to park in the public car park for the show.

1/ @Karl
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I'm hoping to be there again, doing BDC drift demos & drift taxi rides! Come find me in the pits, I'll get you a taxi ride for free :)
Should be going with local club or eoc. Sunday only tho.