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The Boss
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North East
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North East

I received a call today from Brian's wife to inform me that he is currently in intensive care with pneumonia.

Aside from us obviously wishing him a fast and full recovery, obviously Brian also runs his business BMR Automotive.

If anyone has ordered parts from Brian, you have two choices:
  • wait for him to return to health and fulfil your order
  • order your parts elsewhere, and arrange a refund once he is back home safe
I don't know any more than this at this time, so please bear with us. As soon as I find out more, I will let you all know, but you can assume this won't be an overnight turn around.
That's not good news, and i feel bad as i asked for a quote for a decent sized order just this morning
safe to say i can so i will wait for Brian as long as i can , would prefer to do business with BMR
All the best to Brian and his wife (can't be easy just now)