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Christmas Meet - Putting feelers out

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The Boss
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North East
Who would be interested in a Christmas meet?
Nothing extravagant, just a meet at a pub or something in a fairly central location geographically (somewhere in the Midlands?), for a meal, a chat and some club photos.

This would be the club's first official meet, and would mark a pretty monumental achievement if we can get a fair few of us together for it.

What are your thoughts? Where would you like to have it (be realistic, we have members all over the country, so Devon or Aberdeen etc would be out of the way for most people) ? Would you like to have anything arranged other than a meal?
sounds good, somewhere central as you said and maybe near to a major motorway so it's not too bad for everybody to get to, and a meal sounds good, nothing too big for the first one, a chat with everybody and looking at each others Ellies....should be good!!!!!
It's gonna be hard to agree on where to go, maybe see who is going first then find somewhere that is central to most that are going, you are not gonna please everybody!!!!
I was thinking of maybe somewhere along the M1. That seems to to be the "backbone" of Britain and everywhere leads there.

A club I used to be a member of had regular meets at the J22 services (I think). The agreed meeting place was in the service station car part (obvious to find) and there was a decent cheapish pub nearby too. The location put's you around Coalville, just north of Leicester.

But yes, no point going for central UK if all the members are coming from, say, the North. In which case, we'd need to pick somewhere centrally to all attending.
Well I'll be coming from the north west, Merseyside, so let's hear were everyone else will be coming from and let's point a spot in the middle?
Agree with you both. We'll decide on a location when we know how far members will be travelling from.

But are we all happy with the basic plan? Location A for meet & greet & photos, then onto location B for food & drink? I don't see that it needs to be any more involved than that?
In that case we all need to say where we are from, I'm in Sheffield, about 2 miles from J30 of M1 so anywhere up and down the M1 is fine for me!!!!
So far we have Hartlepool, The Wirral and Sheffield, so somewhere around Leeds is probably about central, but the local will change as more say they are coming!!!!!
ps. my wife has just come up with a great idea, if many want to go to the christmas meet and we are spread out all over Britain, the why not have a few meets so that everybody is not travelling too far to get to the meet!!!!
so me and the rottwiellers are going to headless' house for xmas dinner, he's on my doorstep (his missus suggested it, you all heard) :lol:

there is an ALL YOU CAN EAT FOR A TENNER thingy around barnsley / wakefield, 2 mins from M1 and the woodhead pass

never been but its supposed to be good
personally i dont mind driving, we went upto monkey hangers land :eek: for sunday dinner earlier in the year
Leeds area is good for me...

ÂŁ10 for all you can eat sounds good :D
We also need to set a date for this to happen. Does anyone have a preferred date?
Lead up to Christmas? Between Christmas and New Year?
Well James, if you are interested in attending then that would change the location. Half way between Hartlepool (north most member attending - me) and Bournemouth (southernmost member attending - you) would put us around Northampton/Leicester sort of area.

So that could bring us back to J22 of the M1 (midlands, easy to get to).

Would you be willing to travel that far for the club's first official meet?
Well if I'm the only bugger from the south going, moving the whole meet just for me would be crazy!, what I need to do is find Elgrands this side of the border and next year have the meet in the Midlands, I head to Nottingham a lot, but really wouldn't want people to change from Leeds, but next year if no southern softies have joined then we will go for it !!
Hi James, I don't think it's crazy moving the meet, if everybody else is up for it, I'd gladly meet up in the Leicestershire area, Leeds was just a suggested by me place to meet at the time that there was only 3 of us going, I did say it would move around as more people expressed an interest!!
I'll second headless. The meet will be central to everyone wanting to attend. If you want to come James, then moving the meet from Leeds to Leicester is no big deal.
I'd be happy to move it so that as many people as possible can attend :D
Ah Boys, what a nice group, well lets talk dates and if i can make it then lets do it, after all its Christmas ;-)
Yeah, date is just as important as venue. I'm thinking one weekend coming up to Christmas, rather than right near Christmas when everyone has other plans. Maybe Saturday 13th or Sunday 14th December?
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