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Christmas Meet 14/12/14 - Lawnswood Arms, Leeds

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The Boss
Staff member
E50 Owner
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North East
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North East
It has been decided that the first Elgrand Owners Club UK Christmas meet will be on SUNDAY 14th DECEMBER 2014.

This club meet will involve a "meet & greet", which will give us all a chance to meet one another, have a look round the club's Elgrand's and take some group photo's.
Before we move on from this, I'll be giving out prizes for the competitions we'll be running on the day, they're yet to be decided, but the prizes will be Elgrand related in some way (maybe some sticker packs, some LED packs, some cleaning products, other club merch, etc)
We will then move on to a local pub/restaurant for some Christmas grub.

The location has now been decided as:
[tab=30]Lawnswood Arms, Otley Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS16 7PH

Meeting time will be 2pm. Table will is booked for 16:00

Between the meeting time and the food, we will have an opportunity to chat amongst ourselves, take pics and also, thanks to Rapper Frapper, have error codes read on any E50 with a 14pin Consult port. At 14:00 we will do the competitions and award the prizes. There will be a few mystery competitions, but the others will be:

  • Best decorated Elgrand (Christmas theme, obviously)
  • How many sweets in the Jar
  • Best Modification
  • More to be announced (ideas welcome)

The list of attendees is below, if you want to join, please just reply to this thread and I'll add you to the list.

  1. Karl (Hartlepool) - CONFIRMED (5 eating + baby)
  2. Headless (Sheffield) - CONFIRMED (2 eating)
  3. RapperFrapper (Wirral) - CONFIRMED (2 eating)
  4. Boney (Lincoln) - CONFIRMED (4 eating)
  5. simjoh (Glossop) - CONFIRMED (2 eating)
  6. clocky280 (Cannock) - CONFIRMED (1 eating)
  7. mariusz (Lancashire) - CONFIRMED (1 eating)
  8. gedandsue (Prescot) - CONFIRMED (3 eating)
  9. Shaggy (Leeds) - CONFIRMED - (not eating)
  10. e55ex (Warwick) - CONFIRMED (2 eating)
  11. Born to be Wild (Rotherham) - CONFIRMED
  12. GobbyBobby (Sheffield) - CONFIRMED (2 eating)
  13. Kara - CONFIRMED (4 eating)
  14. MrMalcC - CONFIRMED (not eating)
  15. haribojo - CONFIRMED (3 eating)
  16. yetty - CONFIRMED (6 eating)
Re: Christmas Meet 14/12/14 - Location Decisions

Not to sure at the moment. But put me down for now(pending) area Glossop
Re: Christmas Meet 14/12/14 - Location Decisions

Done mate, you're on the list :)
Re: Christmas Meet 14/12/14 - Location Decisions

I might come in, depends when little will be born ;-)
Re: Christmas Meet 14/12/14 - Location Decisions

Hopefully me, I will confirm closer to the date. Coming from Lancashire. You can add me to the list Karl. :thumbup:
Re: Christmas Meet 14/12/14 - Location Decisions

hi, re Christmas Meet, we would if not too far, we are from Prescot, Merseyside, regards Ged and Sue
Re: Christmas Meet 14/12/14 - Location Decisions

gedandsue said:
hi, re Christmas Meet, we would if not too far, we are from Prescot, Merseyside, regards Ged and Sue

I'll add you guys to the list. The meet will be in the Midlands somewhere, so shouldn't be too much of a trek. You're not in the Highlands or Cornwall, so shouldn't be too extreme for you :thumbup:
Re: Christmas Meet 14/12/14 - Location Decisions

We got any more interest in this guys? Christmas is fast approaching and will be here before we know it.

Put this date in your diaries :thumbup:
Re: Christmas Meet 14/12/14 - Location Decisions

depending on what happens with the wife Shaggy is pending LEEDS
Re: Christmas Meet 14/12/14 - Location Decisions

You can put me down mate! All depending how far we av to travel lol..
Re: Christmas Meet 14/12/14 - Location Decisions

Midlands is about 180 miles from here. Should not be much more than that. But still nearly a 400 mile round trip. Certainly at least a tank full of oil :)
Re: Christmas Meet 14/12/14 - Location Decisions

Any more for any more? This will be a great day out for all who can make it :thumbup:
Re: Christmas Meet 14/12/14 - Location Decisions

Hi Karl count me in for the Christmas meet, thanks
Re: Christmas Meet 14/12/14 - Location Decisions

You're on the list mate :thumbup:
Re: Christmas Meet 14/12/14 - Location Decisions

Hi, Please add me to the list - South Yorkshire, Specifically Rotherham for all you Leeds fans out there :thumbup:
Re: Christmas Meet 14/12/14 - Location Decisions

You're on the list mate :thumbup:
Re: Christmas Meet 14/12/14 - Location Decisions

Hi Guys

Sorry for the late bail out, but i have just got my December Rota and I have to work this day now, gutted, but if there is a met in 2015 I will be there!!! i will give Karl some pennies to but in the pot for some pork scratchings

James (Bournemouth)
Re: Christmas Meet 14/12/14 - Location Decisions

so where is it going to be?
Re: Christmas Meet 14/12/14 - Location Decisions

That will be decided on the 1st Nov mate. I'll give people a couple more days to express an interest. I'll work out the most central location for everyone on the list and then find the nearest place to meet/eat. Without James attending, who was the southern most member, it's probably going to be a little further north of Leicester, maybe around the Nottingham/Sheffield area (or in between).
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