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Camping event, Shell Island , Llanbedr, North Wales, April 2018

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Hi campers, we've been invited along to another Facebook group called, Inspiring campers, https://www.facebook.com/events/1170151669782852/?ti=cl who are organising a camping weekend at Shell Island, Llanbedr, North Wales, the provisional date is April 27th, but may change.
I went along to their last one and was welcomed with open arms and had a fantastic 3 days with some great people, on a fantastic location close to the beach with amazing views.
She'll island charge £8/ night and that gives you access to toilet blocks, showers, wash rooms, cafe, restaurant, shop, plus inspiring campers put on food and music, marquees and fire pits for everyone to get together and chat to like minded people.
I'll post more info as it happens, we had 3 Elgrand at their last meet and would like to get a few more for this next one.
Can all those wishing to to attend this camping meet please book your stay direct with shell island on the web link below

Will everyone please bring along a bag of wood for the fire pits and some buffet food for the evenings shin dig with the inspiring campers, as they are supplying marquees, fire pits, and music , entertainment, and have asked for everyone to bring along some buffet food for everyone sitting around the fire pits .many thanks.
Please all check the time table for when you can get across the causeway to the island, as it's covered at high tide and you are unable to get cross.


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Rapperfrapper , PAID
Bernard bannister
Old boy bob
Elena PAID
Steve thompson PAID
Mikeb4x4 PAID
Neil12000 PAID
Paul Bailey PAID
Elgrand Cymru(sat)
Paul Bailey, PAID
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I WILL have my van finished by then!

So count me in :)
I would love to attend, but I cannot give any solid answers until close to the time. If it's too late to book by the time I know, then, well, tough shit on me really :joy:
Book it anyway Karl.
Go for it.
Only a few pound and I've got a feeling this is going to be a bit of a shindig.
Come on.
probably going. but have to see nearer the time
Book it anyway Karl.
Go for it.
Only a few pound and I've got a feeling this is going to be a bit of a shindig.
Come on.

I can't mate. Things are a little awkward at home at the moment, so I need to see how they pan out. Also, the cost of getting there and back is an issue for the time being. As I said, I'll have to confirm closer to the time.
i am now deffo going all booked now
I'm also now booked and in the special instructions I've put 'Inspiring Campers'. It looks like it's going to be a big turn out.
see you all there .looking forward to it
Can anyone thinking of going please make sure sure you book online direct on the shell island website http://www.shellisland.co.uk and make sure in the comments section you add that you are attending with " Inspiring campers" and also check on the shell island website the times of high tide as youll not be able to cross the road as it is covered by the high tide.
I'll be travelling late Friday afternoon and arriving hopefully early evening to set up my awning, if all the Elgrands would like to camp together I will try and arrange an area we can all camp close, but will sort this nearer the time once I have a full and complete list of attendees who have paid .
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