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Lets have a clean joke thread. Laughter heals as they say. (NO NASTY, OBSCENE OR COVID19!)

Geordie loses his job in the factory so he decides to go down south and try his luck. He ends up in a leafy suburb of London and thinks I'll see if I can do any odd jobs for these posh folk. At the first few houses he asks if they want any building, decorating or joinery doing. No luck but at the next house the lady of the house beckons him over and says if you paint my garden fence I'll give you fifty pounds. Great says Geordie and in no time he has slapped a good coat of white paint on the fence. The lady gives him his 50. Just as he's about Togo she says there's a bit of paint left can you paint the porch round the back. Aye no problem says Geordie. He pops round the back and comes back a minute later. Are you sure? He asks, it looks fine to me. Yes says the lady a good coat of white like you've done on the fence. So off he trots. Half an hour later he knocks at the door.

All done pet but that's not a porch it's a Ferrari...