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Keeping kids occupied

Kenzie (Mary Poppins)

Here for life
Premium Member
North West
E51 Owner
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North West
Looking at piling the shows on next year and alot of us have kids to keep entertained other than
And board games what else can we think of

Answers from children appreciated as much as from adults no matter how daft they may sound
Looking at piling the shows on next year and alot of us have kids to keep entertained other than
And board games what else can we think of

Answers from children appreciated as much as from adults no matter how daft they may sound
Some of the bigger shows have forms of entertainment for the kids. Fairground, bouncy courses, army assault courses archery an other such games. They all cost money like. My kids tend to be ok with ipads and books etc, plus looking round the shows and eating. But then they are teenagers now.
Some of the bigger shows have forms of entertainment for the kids. Fairground, bouncy courses, army assault courses archery an other such games. They all cost money like. My kids tend to be ok with ipads and books etc, plus looking round the shows and eating. But then they are teenagers now.
I use to take my own bouncy castle with me as it was cheaper than paying for 4 kids to do 5 mine a day for 3 days
football, rugby balls, baseball ,rounders, tennis, badminton, skittles, activity books, (laptop, mini projector, speakers, white bedsheet - home made cinema)
that's some of the stuff I take on holidays to keep my 6 occupied, easy enough to pack into 1 bag

if I asked my kids they'd say, sweets and spending money.....

maybe get some sheets printed off for them to mark things down while they walk around the show for the kids that show more interest in this sort of thing..
best car
best mod
nicest colour
cleanest car
best stand
funniest car etc....
football, rugby balls, baseball ,rounders, tennis, badminton, skittles, activity books, (laptop, mini projector, speakers, white bedsheet - home made cinema)
that's some of the stuff I take on holidays to keep my 6 occupied, easy enough to pack into 1 bag

if I asked my kids they'd say, sweets and spending money.....

maybe get some sheets printed off for them to mark things down while they walk around the show for the kids that show more interest in this sort of thing..
best car
best mod
nicest colour
cleanest car
best stand
funniest car etc....
Got quite a few of the above in a grab bag try to steer clear of ball games as alot of shows I go to the trucks start at 100000 plus and we all know dads as well as kids get a bit hyper and go for a home run
Agree with all of the above comments plus, run them hard for 10/15 minutes first thing in the morning and again late afternoon make it competitive with fun attached . Do some circuits using a selection of the kit that Shaggy listed before their last meal to totally wear them out. Finally a simple game that all ages can do, get two pack of cards and play "Play your cards right" set yourself as Brucie, gives you the change to act the arse (have a couple of nips first) and your wife/partner/friend can do the "dolly dealing', give the kids catch phrases galore, younger kids love it becuse it's only higher and lower and you can make up the questions to ask as you go along to fit the holiday/event etc, etc, make sure you use a random number generator (set parameters) on your smart device as the answer. So for example you can ask "we asked 50 Elgrand owners did they wish they had joined the club before buying an Elgrand" How many owners did "wish they had joined the club first" the answer is? Points make prizes

It could be a good night if you.............
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Egg and spoon sack races things like that simple and cheap and probs something different to what kids do today 😀
Haha if be down for joining in those races 😂😂
We did play some cricket at jap show one year when the site was nearly empty on the Sat night. Got tricky with the alcohol flowing and the dark setting in, but was a good laugh for the kids and adults too 😁
Haha if be down for joining in those races 😂😂
Me too mate it's a one for all parents and kids proper old skool like the stuff we did as kids its bloody hard to know how to entertain the kid of today only seem happy with some sort of device in front of them I'm forever battling :joy:
We did play some cricket at jap show one year when the site was nearly empty on the Sat night. Got tricky with the alcohol flowing and the dark setting in, but was a good laugh for the kids and adults too 😁
The last 2 times I played were on beech a cop was driving past and said take a shot so I told my 7 year old quick thow the ball to daddy fast copper floored it but hot his rear door when he spun round he said bloody good shot dint think you would be anywhere near and the time before that wacked the ball same 7 year old tried to catch it with his belly and was bruised for 7 weeks but he got up and carried on after he walked the pain off
Egg and spoon sack races things like that simple and cheap and probs something different to what kids do today 😀
Couldn't agree more! Let's face it, things like that are a novelty for today's kids plus it knackers them out so they are in bed for nine and the adults can get down to more serious business. Right lads & lasses, kids are flat out whose liver is going to wave the white flag first? o_Oo_Oo_O
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Took our three kids to JAE cost me a fortune to keep them entertained.. even if we did take the badminton iPads DVD player n stuff etc ...
My kids where happy with a football, kicking that around and getting the other kids involved, was good exercise for the adults (me) keeping check on everything. Kids nowadays are spoilt.