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Fuel Economy


The Boss
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E50 Owner
Premium Member
North East
E50 Expert
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First Name
North East
Expect poor economy. Really. I'm not gonna lie to you.

They are a 2 tonne bus with pretty appalling aerodynamics and large engines. They are designed for comfort and luxury, not for cheap motoring.

As a brief run down:

E50 QD32 3.2 Diesel - 26mpg average. 18mpg around the doors. 36mpg on long runs at 55.

E50 ZD30 3.0 Diesel - 28mpg average. 20mpg around the doors. 40mpg on long runs at 55.

E50 VG33 3.3 V6 - 18mpg average. 14mpg around the doors. 28mpg on long runs at 55.

E50 VQ35 3.5 V6 - 16mpg average. 12mpg around the doors. 28mpg on long runs at 55.

E51 VQ25 2.5 V6 - 22mpg average. 18mpg around the doors. 32mpg on long runs at 55.

E51 VQ35 3.5 V6 - 20mpg average. 16mpg around the doors. 30mpg on long runs at 55.

These are worst case scenarios. If you are getting less than this, you have a problem (either with your engine or your right foot). If you go into buying an Elgrand with these figures in mind, then you won't be swearing 6 months down the line when you are on first name terms with every petrol station attendant within 30 miles of your house.
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We have found that our 3.5 V6 at 70mph is in the 22/23 mpg area , what kills it is the "bye bye nail it " traffic light Grand prix stuff , still worth it just to shut down a Range Rover sport , last Friday , fuel cost bearable , look on RRovers drivers face Priceless lol:D:D, I know someone will say the RR is faster 0-60 or whatever but its reaction time off the lights that counts , and NO , that wasnt not in a town or built up area .and as far as im aware , there is no saying how fast you can get even to 30mph if thats the speed limit ?
I was bumbling along at about 55mph enjoying the scenery on a dual carriageway last week and, being a courteous driver, moved across to the right lane to let a Corsa join the road from a slip road.
There were cars behind me going faster than me so I wanted to pull back into the inside lane once I'd let the Corsa in but the Corsa driver wanted a bit of fun so he smiled and waved at me - but deliberately stayed alongside me to stop me from pulling back in - I'm sure you've all met ones like him.
I smiled and waved back at him and then floored it! There was no way that he could keep up - his face was a picture!:)
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Had a Range Rover 4.4 V8 that was an LPG conversion, couldn't have kept it on the road if it wasn't! Looking at converting the Elgrand, has anyone else done this?

I've had my Elgrand converted and it is great, I haven't noticed any difference in power etc when using it and although i didn't get my conversion from Simon @Lpgc (he is on the forum) I would defo use him in the future for any other cars I get converted, he really knows his stuff and when I had a problem with my one he sorted the problem out and it has run sweet ever since!

On another note, I am thinking about buying another Range Rover Vogue and I would love a petrol version, how did you find the fuel economy when running on LPG? And were the figures similar when running on petrol? I've only had 1 petrol version but its an old J plate 3.9V8!

Thanks in advance
Had a Range Rover 4.4 V8 that was an LPG conversion, couldn't have kept it on the road if it wasn't! Looking at converting the Elgrand, has anyone else done this?

Hi Karen and Richard, I've converted a lot of Elgrands to LPG recently, there are quite a few threads in the 'Fuel Prices / Alternative Fuels' section of this forum about some of those I've converted (including George322's Elgrand), lots of other vehicles I converted on LPGForum where I'm kind of the resident expert.

I've had my Elgrand converted and it is great, I haven't noticed any difference in power etc when using it and although i didn't get my conversion from Simon @Lpgc (he is on the forum) I would defo use him in the future for any other cars I get converted, he really knows his stuff and when I had a problem with my one he sorted the problem out and it has run sweet ever since!

On another note, I am thinking about buying another Range Rover Vogue and I would love a petrol version, how did you find the fuel economy when running on LPG? And were the figures similar when running on petrol? I've only had 1 petrol version but its an old J plate 3.9V8!

Thanks in advance
Thanks for the mention Dave.

Expect poor economy. Really. I'm not gonna lie to you.

They are a 2 tonne bus with pretty appalling aerodynamics and large engines. They are designed for comfort and luxury, not for cheap motoring.

As a brief run down:

E50 QD32 3.2 Diesel - 26mpg average. 18mpg around the doors. 36mpg on long runs at 55.

E50 ZD30 3.0 Diesel - 28mpg average. 20mpg around the doors. 40mpg on long runs at 55.

E50 VG33 3.3 V6 - 18mpg average. 14mpg around the doors. 26mpg on long runs at 55.

E50 VQ35 3.5 V6 - 16mpg average. 12mpg around the doors. 22mpg on long runs at 55.

E51 VQ25 2.5 V6 - 22mpg average. 18mpg around the doors. 28mpg on long runs at 55.

E51 VQ35 3.5 V6 - 20mpg average. 16mpg around the doors. 26mpg on long runs at 55.

These are worst case scenarios. If you are getting less than this, you have a problem (either with your engine or your right foot). If you go into buying an Elgrand with these figures in mind, then you won't be swearing 6 months down the line when you are on first name terms with every petrol station attendant within 30 miles of your house.
Cheers for this ,I'm just gonna keep my right foot down now i know i'm getting more than 10/gallon,happy happy days
@Lpgc how much is it to convert a e51 Elgrand to LPG these days?

Just curious to see what the damage is, I'll be doing about 7k a year on average in mine I'd imagine so wondering what an LPG conversion will cost and
how long it would take me to pay it off from a cost of fuel point of view.

Cheers Champ!
@Lpgc how much is it to convert a e51 Elgrand to LPG these days?

Just curious to see what the damage is, I'll be doing about 7k a year on average in mine I'd imagine so wondering what an LPG conversion will cost and
how long it would take me to pay it off from a cost of fuel point of view.

Cheers Champ!

Hi Stevie,

Same £1595.

If we know £1595 and 7000 miles per year, we just need to know average mpg to calculate payback time.

Suppose you get 20mpg, that's 350 gallons, if petrol is £1.20 per litre that's £1911 per year on petrol.

If LPG is half price (60p) that'd be £955.50 per year but you use a bit more (say 10%) LPG than you would petrol, then again it depends on the price you can buy LPG.. You can buy it at far less than 60p some places, but let's assume 60p and you use 10% more. So now you use £955.5+10% = £1052 of LPG in a year. Actually you'll use a small amount of petrol during the brief engine warmup period too, so call it £1100. So 1595/1100 = 1.45 years = 17.4 months.

Converted about 20 Elgrands so far this year, got another coming for conversion on Monday, another the Monday after, 2 coming the week after that! Got Elgrands booked in through October and November too but not fully booked up, could fit other Elgrand conversions in during that time.


@Lpgc how much is it to convert a e51 Elgrand to LPG these days?

Just curious to see what the damage is, I'll be doing about 7k a year on average in mine I'd imagine so wondering what an LPG conversion will cost and
how long it would take me to pay it off from a cost of fuel point of view.

Cheers Champ!
@Lpgc will be along soon but think when I worked this out it was about 11000 miles to cover lpg conversion
@Lpgc will be along soon but think when I worked this out it was about 11000 miles to cover lpg conversion
Cheers Malc, our threads crossed. I haven't checked the 11000 but I reckon it seems about right.

Cheers Malc, our threads crossed. I haven't checked the 11000 but I reckon it seems about right.

Looks like they did cross , my numbers are just rough and worked on average 18-19 mpg
But won't be that far wrong ,
Have just gone over the 100,000 K mark in the Cho , thats only 72,000 K in 14 months , on petrol , if I had wanted to save fuel I wouldnt have bought an Elgie , why buy a thirsty big vehicle and then spend to make it economical ? , plenty of 1.9 T4s about to do the same job cheaper , however I wouldnt have met such a nice bunch of people on this forum , always ready to accept the diversity of the group and not judge or preach or use it as a marketing media .
why buy a thirsty big vehicle and then spend to make it economical ?

I bought my first e51 with the intention of keeping and running our diesel hatch to do the day to day stuff and using e51 for weekend / long trips. Unfortunately that didn’t work out as e51 is so nice day to day making even a mundane trip to the doctors / local shops etc enjoyable that the economical hatch never left the driveway. The 51 ended up doing mileage that would have been spread over two cars (20k miles per year) so lpg was a worthwhile investment/ risk and was easy to get as last house was surrounded by lpg forecourts.

Since my house move I’m probably only doing 8k miles per year so it’s Momentum all the way for me (as it’s my closest garage) and the one local lpg forecourt is the wrong side of town.
I bought my first e51 with the intention of keeping and running our diesel hatch to do the day to day stuff and using e51 for weekend / long trips. Unfortunately that didn’t work out as e51 is so nice day to day making even a mundane trip to the doctors / local shops etc enjoyable that the economical hatch never left the driveway. The 51 ended up doing mileage that would have been spread over two cars (20k miles per year) so lpg was a worthwhile investment/ risk and was easy to get as last house was surrounded by lpg forecourts.

Since my house move I’m probably only doing 8k miles per year so it’s Momentum all the way for me (as it’s my closest garage) and the one local lpg forecourt is the wrong side of town.
Yes its difficult to stop driving them isnt it ? , I just chuck in a couple of tankfuls of unleaded a week , my merc car is now my toy for days off instead of vice versa