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ElgrandOC Awards 2019 - RESULTS


The Boss
Staff member
E50 Owner
Premium Member
North East
E50 Expert
Reaction score
First Name
North East
Well, now that Yakushi is over with, and the reality of life has given me a solid kick in this morning... it's time to take 5 minutes out of my day to write up the winners of the 2019 ElgrandOC Awards.

Before we start I'd like to thank everyone who took part for doing so, and also thank everyone who took the time to vote. As I mentioned before, I was a little disappointed with the overall participation as last year got nearly 4 times as many votes as this year, and I do ask for people to keep in mind the amount of work that goes in to make these awards happen. I really do hope that the ElgrandOC Awards 2020 brings in much more enthusiasm from members, and we will look into what we can do in order to make the voting process simpler for people to get involved with.

Okay, so here are the categories, and the winners in each. If all of those who have won a category could please WAIT for me to get in touch, over the coming week I will sort you all out with your winning prize money. This will be done as and when I get moments free during the day, so I will message you in groups to ensure that I have covered everyone off.

Also, for Trophies etc, I will endeavour to get them posted out along with the 2018 Trophies that I still have sitting in my conservatory.

Lastly, before I go into the winners of each category, I'd just like to give a personal thank you to EVERYONE in ElgrandOC for making this club what it is. I am often told that "I've done a great job" with getting the club to where it is. In reality, I've not done a lot other than moan. It's YOU guys who make this place what it is. And I'm proud to have been a part of it.


3rd Place - @Stempyuno
2nd Place - @Snoopy11
1st Place - @Mark (Madfish)


3rd Place - @tonymorrell
3rd Place - @Mark (Madfish)
3rd Place - @Karl
2nd Place - @RobP
1st Place - @JohnE


3rd Place - @Richard Fox
2nd Place - @Crazycraig
1st Place - @teamcowie


4th Place - @Pippa (I had to add this as an honourary mention)
3rd Place - @Mark (Madfish)
2nd Place - @Karl
1st Place - @Elementian


This category was missed off from the Awards Ceremony as I'd completely forgotten to discuss a winner with the admin team in the lead up to Yakushi, and didn't get a trophy made up. It does not mean that this category is any less important than the others, I'd just forgotten as there were no votes to count, and I was so busy with other things.
Regardless, we had a discussion over the weekend and we picked a winner.

Congratulations @BMR - you were voted 1st place Club Rep. This is for your efforts in getting people to Santa Pod, all the arranging and re-arranging you had to do due to last minute additions, and keeping your cool through all the stress you had. You've done this through a time of struggling with life away from the club, and you have still ensured the time and effort was put in, as well as helping people along the way with Technical issues and parts supplies. Well done Brian!!!


3rd Place - @Kermit - Voting was based on activity on the forum, driving conversation and generally being enthusiastic about the club. Your conversational skills, along with humour and intellectual discussion have landed you this spot. A well deserved win.

2nd Place - @RobP - Well, what can I say here? Rob "The Reverend" P is one of the clubs most prominent members. Not only with his involvement here on the forum, but also on Facebook, and at shows and events put on by the club. An event without Rob is like a meal without any actual food. Pointless :joy: (I am joking, but once you've met him you'll know what I mean). This weekend Elementian was given some of the special treatment by way of a lapdance from Rob. @Becky P (Rob's lovely wife) was blessed by "the Rev" before the archery competition. And on Saturday night Rob got up to encourage more people to join in with the Rockaoke, and when he wasn't up there singing, he was dancing around. This is Rob, he's crazy, always smiling, and always a welcome part of any event he attends. Again, a very well deserved win!

1st Place - @Claptrap - This one kind of goes without saying. Since Robin bought his Elgrand he has been a HUGE part of this community. I don't think I've read a thread anywhere on the forum where his name hasn't popped up. He has embodied the community spirit, coming on board knowing nothing, but very quickly learning and then sharing that with other new members as they come. Robin is always polite, courteous, and never condescending in his tone when. His help and welcoming nature for new members has extended the family feel of the club, and new members joining have felt at ease thanks to his contribution to their posts. Outside of the communication stuff, Robin has used his professional talents with a lot of our members, helping them to design stickers, logos etc. He helped me personally with my Kumo Detailing logo and helping me set up the website and get the right image for my business. He really will spend any amount of time helping people, which is what we want to encourage and promote within the club. So well done Claptrap... another well deserved win, and not a surprise to me at all to see you taking the #1 spot for Member of the Year.
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I would also like, just for Member of the Year, to list ALL the members who received a vote. I will not share the number of votes, or where they ranked after 1st, 2nd 3rd, but this is just so that those members know that someone in the club has taken the time to give them a vote for their contribution. Out of 5.5k members, to get a single nomination is something to be proud of.

@Lpgc. @Crazycraig, @Richard Fox, @dognero, @Daddyof4, @Ruzz1, @BMR, @stevemen. @Elementian, @malcolmyz85 , @Cliff Goodwin, @Drdax, @Chris T
who got 1st in best E51 :joy:

hangover should be gone now @Karl , good job i've seen the vid

well done to all staff and winners and attendee's for building an award winning community, and i liked the voting of the show and shine by including the neighbours in true car comminty spirit, nice thought that
who got 1st in best E51 :joy:

Whoops - edited :D

Yeah we thought asking them to participate would not only get them involved with us, but would also make the voting a little fairer. I felt like whoever I picked I was being bias... and I think everyone felt the same haha.
I would also like, just for Member of the Year, to list ALL the members who received a vote. I will not share the number of votes, or where they ranked after 1st, 2nd 3rd, but this is just so that those members know that someone in the club has taken the time to give them a vote for their contribution. Out of 5.5k members, to get a single nomination is something to be proud of.

@Lpgc. @Crazycraig, @Richard Fox, @dognero, @Daddyof4, @Ruzz1, @BMR, @stevemen. @Elementian, @malcolmyz85 , @Cliff Goodwin, @Drdax, @Chris T

Thank you to everyone who voted for me as you can see from the video it caught me completely off guard.
All i want to do is help fellow owners as much as possible i never expected to be voted best staff member, again thank you to those who voted for me.

Also @Reverand RobP you took my lap dance cherry :blush:, i expect better next year with a bit more bump and grind :p.
Also @Reverand RobP you took my lap dance cherry :blush:, i expect better next year with a bit more bump and grind :p.

Reckon we should get him a special EOC thong, just for the occasion...

Thong and Dog Collar... the lap dancing vicar :joy: 🤮
Congratulations guys, great results!!
A well deserved 2019 Member of the Year @Claptrap, I will be more than happy to hand over the trophy! lol
Thanks for the votes for my E51, very happy with 3rd! :) 👍

Thanks Richard, that's a monster road trip to collect it though :)
I'm well chuffed with the award, I really am but I'm just sitting here wondering how life is gonna change for me going forward, ya know, not being able to walk down the street anymore without getting mobbed by the adoring fans and not being able to go to the local restaurant or pub without getting hassled for autographs etc, ah feckit, I'll cope, thanks all :)

Seriously though, thanks to all the members who gave me such a great welcome when I joined a year ago, my project thread is littered with friendly people and their conversations, it's they who taught me how to respond to others on the forum, so thanks guys :)

PS: I'm not this friendly on Facebook, which is why I don't join any of the groups.... 😂 😂 😂
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I would also like, just for Member of the Year, to list ALL the members who received a vote. I will not share the number of votes, or where they ranked after 1st, 2nd 3rd, but this is just so that those members know that someone in the club has taken the time to give them a vote for their contribution. Out of 5.5k members, to get a single nomination is something to be proud of.

@Lpgc. @Crazycraig, @Richard Fox, @dognero, @Daddyof4, @Ruzz1, @BMR, @stevemen. @Elementian, @malcolmyz85 , @Cliff Goodwin, @Drdax, @Chris T
Humbled thanks 👍
Wow wow wow. I'm only just in a position to comment after been a broken man from the show (4am bed times etc catch up on you at my age) 😂😂

I'll start off commenting on the awards and we'll come to the show shenanigans later....

Well done to everyone who got involved with the awards this year! Congratulations to all the winners, nominees and participants!!! I am truly honoured to have won 2 trophies!! So a massive thank you to all those who voted for me 😘😘
We have a bloody great community spirit in here and I love been a part of it!! Its all of us that make this place work, and make it the great club that it is. Proven by winning the best community trophy at Yakushi show this weekend 😁😎
To win a trophy for my time and efforts put into my Elgrand is one thing, and I'm well chuffed that so many of you liked it, especially as it was up against some other amazing e50's 😁 But to win a trophy for being me, is something else!! All I try to do, is give something back to the community and help and support fellow members where I can, and have a little fun along the way. So I'm bloody made up that you voted for me in the member of the year award!! The fact that I've made some brilliant friends through going to meets and shows is a reward in itself, you're all bloody awesome 😎👍🏻👌
Thanks again and hope to meet a load more of you all at future meets and events 😁😁😁🍻🍻🍻