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Insuring your Elgrand


The Boss
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E50 Owner
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North East
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North East
Insurance is a hot topic in any car forum, but with Japanese Imports it's even more prominent.

No you should not be charged the earth for owning and insuring an Elgrand. Yes, parts are more expensive in the event of crash damage, so the only thing you'll really have to face is that you may find it's written off in a fender bender, where other cars might not be. This will depend on the insurer though, and the value of the car/type of damage etc.

ElgrandOC has an insurance partner with Greenlight Insurance. These have given a lot of our members some exceptionally low quotes over the last year and you get 15% off with them just for being a member of EOC. Try them first, see what they say!

Failing that, you can play the ringing game all you like. I've seen some people get stupid quotes from one main insurer, but then someone else got a ridiculously low quote from the same insurer.

It really is hit and miss, and all based on your Post Code / driving history etc.

If you want a laugh, try a comparison site... I've had some silly four figure quotes for mine on comparison sites, but once you rule them out and head towards the Japanese Import specialist insurers, you start to see more sensible numbers.

Direct Line, LV, Aviva have all given members great or terrible quotes, so try them and see. Same goes for any of the other big name insurers.

Jap Import specialist insurers include Adrium Flux, Sky Insurance, Greenlight.

Also, on the topic of insurance... if you are going down the "import yourself route". You will need to insure your vehicle on the VIN number when it arrives in the country. This means that in the event of anything happening before it is registered, you are covered. It also means you are covered to drive the car to/from an MOT station to get the first test done.
Fwiw Direct Line’s c/s rep didn’t know they could do Chassis Numbers insurance and also cover my old car on month by month basis until it sells (£40pcm). She went away when I told her she was wrong came back after discussion with her manager she explained she’d been working there 5 years and had never done one before.
Mad Airtrek was same £ as e51 and they are happy to cover mods too at reasonable £ we even agreed a value for the new car to stop arguments later.
I'm trying to get quotes from the main insurers but they tell me they don't have a UK/Euro equivalent model for my 2.5 E51, anyone know an answer to this one please?
I'm trying to get quotes from the main insurers but they tell me they don't have a UK/Euro equivalent model for my 2.5 E51, anyone know an answer to this one please?
There is no equivalent, Elgrands were never sold in Europe.
There is no equivalent, Elgrands were never sold in Europe.
Strangely, if I'd had a 3.5, they said they could have quoted me...so how does that work?

[Never happened when I had my Bongo... :) ]
Strangely, if I'd had a 3.5, they said they could have quoted me...so how does that work?
[Never happened when I had my Bongo... :) ]
I`m not sure, but presume that the insurers database is not up to date.
I have heard of others having the same problem, only solution I can think of is call another insurer, presumably Greenlight will have the correct info.
I`m sure someone who has been in the same situation will be along with an answer soon.
I`m not sure, but presume that the insurers database is not up to date.
I have heard of others having the same problem, only solution I can think of is call another insurer, presumably Greenlight will have the correct info.
I`m sure someone who has been in the same situation will be along with an answer soon.
Thanks, just requested a quote from Greenlight, also been in touch with Adrian Flux, and Wheelbase who sold us the bus have mentioned another import specialist, so that's looking like the way to go
Insurance computer systems generally use Association of British Insurers (ABI) industry standard lists for many things: vehicles, occupation, accident types etc. Each specific model of car is on the list and assigned its own code and also an insurance group rating. Thatcham who do all sorts of things including ratings of immobiliser and tracking devices also maintain the ABI list of cars and update it on a monthly basis.

Cars appearing on the list are European models and type approved. Thatcham are also involved in type approval of vehicles including emissions testing for manufacturers. For example Vauxhall used to import the HSV GTS and Maloo while they were still made in Australia and sold them in the UK rebadged as Vauxhalls, they initially put one of each through type approval and although imported they become a UK type approved model and hence appear on the ABI code list.

You used to be able to do a public search of the list on the Thatcham website but I can't find that and I no longer have industry access. I believe there is an Elgrand listed (E51 3.5) but why its there I'm not sure. I've a 2002 3.5 and hence never have any bother with insurance as it gets rated by all the major insurers and appears readily on broker systems.

The brokers specialising in imports and unusual vehicles such as Greenlight will have a different computer system, often allowing free format descriptions of vehicles and they offer specialist insurance policies where rating is not based on the ABI code, only on all the other factors of the vehicle.

I'm sorry but I can't guide you with an answer to get a better range of quotes, I think you'll have to stick to specialist brokers similar to vehicles imported from the USA. Hopefully more people on the forum with experience of their insurance for models different to mine will be able to help you.
I own a 1997 E50, and have 9 points, all from one weekend in sept 2015 lol
This year's premium from Admiral - £440.43 (last year - £387.87)
Went onto Compare the Market.com and got a quote from LV for £190.89. They'll also give me annual european breakdown cover for £102, which is a nightmare to get anywhere else now for a 20+ year old vehicle, and if I only go away once I can cancel it and get a pro rata refund.
God knows how you get quotea that cheap
I own a 1997 E50, and have 9 points, all from one weekend in sept 2015 lol
This year's premium from Admiral - £440.43 (last year - £387.87)
Went onto Compare the Market.com and got a quote from LV for £190.89. They'll also give me annual european breakdown cover for £102, which is a nightmare to get anywhere else now for a 20+ year old vehicle, and if I only go away once I can cancel it and get a pro rata refund.
Wow, Admiral must really like you, my renewal was over 500, and then they added another 200 when we got rear-ended a couple weeks ago, despite the other driver's insurance copping for it
Well the LV quote was certainly much cheaper than I was expecting, so much so that I called them to double check it was correct.
I just hope it goes through the MOT on monday with this stricter deisel emissions test.

Update: MOT passed :)
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Had a good quote from lv but it was for a pre 2003. Couldn’t do a 2005 so went with Adrian flux at £400. Lv would have been 200 if 2003 or earlier
Again full credit to the previous posters and highlights the value of this EOC forum/ Community. I would never have considered LV as an Insurance option. I have an E51 camper conversion and have been with Direct Line since I got the van.

LV have just shaved £120 off of Direct Lines "best price" and I have better cover and the following extras all within the same premium:
* Uninsured driver damage
* Replacement locks and keys
* Wrong fuel cover
* 24/ 7 Helpline
* 180 days European cover
* £300 personal belongings cover.

Had the choice for several additional extras but I am already covered else where. Plus the exercise was totally painless. All completed on line as they even have an option for campervan conversion which is a real plus as I usually have to have a 20 minute call with a broker each time telling them about the scope of conversion..
Thanks guys, appreciated..
As well as the Ellie you need to insure other things:-
Aviva worked out best for us, 2 cars, 1 driver and 1 NCB £660 including multi car discount, couldn't do online as reg wasn't registered yet, so no £60 cashback through Quidco 😕
WOW I am already insured with Adrian flux on our other car.
They just quoted me £978 WTF..I told them the average quote is around £4-600 and I am in a good postcode for my other car with them.
He explained that as it is an import and an unfamiliar car to us the cost is higher! I pointed out that the other newbys with an import Elgrand that's unfamiliar to them are the same situation as us. told to ring round and they will match a genuine lower quote...DONT think so ;-)
Then I rang greenlight on the number customer services gave me for a chassis number quote only to be told we don't do it. IS IT MEEEE???
Do we get a better quote if we wait till reg no comes through??